A regeneratively grown blueberries
brand created from the soil up.


Brand Strategy
Visual Development
Packaging Design
Web Design

Project Info

With an urgency to address our prevailing climate crisis, focusing on imbalances in our food systems is a critical step. For both/and, this means supporting innovations in the agricultural industry - how we grow, distribute, and shop for our food.

From brand strategy and naming to package design, we helped develop a regenerative blueberries product that represents a big leap for agriculture. This is part of our mission to help disrupt commodity categories and bring excitement away from the packaged goods aisle to the produce aisle.

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Regenerative agriculture at scale means developing working systems that support the health of our critical asset: soil. Growing crops that sequester carbon in our soil makes for less greenhouse gasses, and healthier crops overall. Regenerative also means supporting the local communities where we grow, and being accountable to resource conservation metrics like water and energy reduction, and reducing the use of plastics and harmful chemicals. Another dimension is creating an environment where local habitats and pollinators can thrive. Betterful is organic, non-GMO, and Bee Better certified.
All of these practices are core to the model of betterful berries, an entirely new brand that is committed to regenerative agriculture and healthy food distribution at scale.
This is an innovative brand that is rethinking norms. SBC developed a core idea around regeneration: for the soil, for our health, and for shoppers who are making more deliberate choices with the brands they support.
We created a fresh, approachable packaging system with a mandala-like symbol to translate this idea, and an optimistic name and wordmark that speaks to a potential future where consumers have more information and agency supporting their purchase of food. Our message: Let's do better, is as clear as it gets in regards to our choices in the produce aisle.
Look out for betterful at your grocery store. We love this brand and what it means for the future of our food systems.


We were tasked with brand strategy, naming, and visual design, culminating in a consumer validation process to launch this new brand.


We help imagine and build
more resilient futures.


New York City / Los Angeles

©2024 both/and