We tend to think in the internet in terms of a cloud - where data and content comes our way from above, and without fail. But the internet does have a physical home, or many of them, and they’re right in our backyard. From critical infrastructure like healthcare and education, to everyday tools like email, video conferencing, and pulling up our favorite YouTube videos, Data Centers are the facilities that store, process, and deliver the internet’s data.
Our work began with a series of interviews with passionate Google employees, all of them driven by the high-stakes of keeping the internet running without a beat. We talked to data scientists about what it’s like to design systems that process large amounts of data every minute and keep it secure through layers of encryption. Environmental engineers told us about advances in sustainability, resource conservation, and the energy efficiency of the centers. We learned from AI experts about the exponential need for processing power of data centers as we enter a new paradigm of computing. We came away from this discovery period humbled, inspired, and excited about the big task of developing an experience that was relevant, easy to digest, and fun for all ages.
The result is a large, open air experience, designed to travel across the country to cities that are home to data centers. The exhibit has many stations for learning—a walkthrough introduction to data, security, and sustainability, a listening station to hear the Where the Internet Lives podcast, a series of infinity-mirror boxes that show the visually stunning world inside data centers, and a community wall that highlights data center employees serves as a job board for new recruits.
Most importantly, the experience focuses on the economic, labor, and environmental impacts of data centers for the communities they reside in. This is part of a long-term approach to create more dialogue and engagement within communities that have welcomed data centers into their hometown.